Emma | Home On the Grove

About Emma

Emma Soleil

Greetings! I’m Emma, and I’m a vibrant and enthusiastic woman hailing from the beautiful state of Arizona. I have a gorgeous head of blonde hair that perfectly complements my bubbly personality. My life is enriched by the presence of two amazing rescue dogs, who bring immense joy and love into my home.

Speaking of love, I am blessed to have an incredible husband by my side. He supports me in all my endeavors and shares my passions for adventure and exploration. Together, we embark on exciting journeys, creating beautiful memories along the way.

One of my greatest passions is fashion. I have an unwavering fascination with the latest trends, unique styles, and innovative designs. From stylish outfits to eye-catching accessories, I take delight in curating my wardrobe and expressing my individuality through fashion.

In addition to fashion, I am deeply passionate about all things related to beauty. I find immense pleasure in experimenting with makeup, skincare routines, and discovering new products that enhance my natural features. It’s an empowering experience that allows me to feel confident and radiate my inner beauty.

Travel is another one of my great loves. Exploring new destinations, immersing myself in different cultures, and witnessing breathtaking landscapes is a source of endless inspiration for me. Whether it’s strolling along picturesque beaches or exploring bustling cities, I thrive on the thrill of new experiences and the opportunity to broaden my horizons.

In a nutshell, I am Emma—a vivacious, fashion-forward, and travel-loving woman who cherishes the beauty in life and is always eager to embrace new adventures.

After spending four incredible years in the vibrant and bustling city of New York, my husband and I made the decision to move back to our beloved Arizona. We realized that deep down, we are true warm weather enthusiasts, craving the sunshine and the familiar comfort of our home state.

As of late 2020, we embarked on an exciting new chapter as first-time homeowners. We are currently in the process of building our dream home from scratch. It’s an exhilarating journey filled with decisions, plans, and endless possibilities. We can’t wait to share every step of this adventure with you, from selecting the perfect floor plan and choosing the ideal color palette to witnessing the construction progress and adding personal touches that will make our house truly feel like a home.

Becoming homeowners is a major milestone for us, signifying a new level of stability and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. We’re filled with a mixture of excitement, anticipation, and a touch of nervousness as we navigate through the homebuilding process. It’s an opportunity for us to create a space that reflects our style, personality, and the life we’ve envisioned together.

Throughout this journey, we plan to document and share our experiences, challenges, and triumphs. From the thrill of seeing the foundation being laid to the excitement of picking out fixtures and furnishings, we want to bring you along on this rollercoaster ride of emotions. We hope that our journey as homeowners will inspire and provide valuable insights for others who are also embarking on similar paths.

Join us as we turn a plot of land into a place we can truly call our own. We’re excited to see our dreams materialize and create a warm and welcoming sanctuary that reflects our love, values, and personal style. Let the adventure begin!

Welcome to Homeonthegrove.com, a captivating fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blog dedicated to empowering women and igniting their inner brilliance. Through my platform, I strive to inspire and motivate women to embrace their uniqueness and unleash their creative potential. Get ready for an abundance of content on fashion-forward outfits, fabulous beauty and hair tips, home decor inspiration, and even a sprinkle of fitness and travel adventures. Join me on this incredible journey as we explore the realms of style, self-expression, and personal growth together.

Here’s a few fun facts about me:

  • I’m an extroverted introvert, which means I’m naturally outgoing and love socializing, but I also cherish my alone time to recharge and reflect. It’s all about finding the right balance for me.
  • As an enneagram 8, I hold honesty as a core value above all else. I’m a go-getter, always driven to achieve my goals, and fiercely independent. I believe in taking charge of my own destiny and making things happen.
  • Our furry companions, Maddie and Thelma, came into our lives unexpectedly, but it was a wonderful surprise. We adopted them about a year apart, and they’ve brought so much love and joy to our home. They are truly part of our family.
  • Despite facing challenges during my undergraduate studies, I persevered and went on to excel in my Master’s degree, achieving almost a perfect 4.0 GPA. It was a transformative journey that taught me the power of resilience and determination.
  • If I had the choice, I would add a touch of sparkle to everything. I adore anything that glimmers and shines, and it brings me immense joy to incorporate a bit of sparkle into my life and surroundings.
  • Having a fraternal twin sister is an incredible bond that I cherish. We share a unique connection and have supported each other through life’s ups and downs. It’s a special relationship that I treasure dearly.
  • Rose Gold holds a special place in my heart as my favorite “color.” Its elegant and warm tones exude a sense of sophistication and beauty that resonates with my personal style and aesthetic preferences.

I welcome and appreciate feedback on my posts, as I firmly believe that growth comes from learning from one another. Constructive feedback is essential in refining and improving our content, and I’m always open to hearing different perspectives and ideas.

If you’d like to see more of my content and stay updated with my latest fashion, beauty, and lifestyle adventures, feel free to check out my Instagram. There, you can browse through my posts, engage with the community, and get a glimpse into my daily life and style.

Additionally, if you’re interested in shopping the looks featured on my blog, I have a dedicated section where you can easily find and shop the items I’ve worn and recommended. It’s a convenient way to recreate my outfits and discover new fashion finds.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to connecting with you, learning from your feedback, and sharing our journey together!

Emma Soleil
Emma Soleil

Hey there! I'm Emma!

Home On The Grove, A Phoenix-based blog, serves as an inspiration hub for feminine, casual style, as well as covering home & decor, home & garden, home essentials, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle topics.
