Emma | Home On the Grove

Bark Box

Bark Box

BarkBox is a popular subscription boxing service that offers dog owners a monthly supply of toys, treats, and other pet products for their furry friends. Here is some information about the brand:

Owners: BarkBox was founded by Matt Meeker, Henrik Werdelin and Carly Strife. As of my last knowledge update, the company was owned and operated by Bark & Co., a New York City based company.

Foundation: BarkBox was founded in 2012.

History: The idea for BarkBox came about when the co-founders realized that their own dogs loved playing with a variety of toys and treats. They saw an opportunity to create a subscription service that would surprise and delight dogs and their owners each month.

BarkBox’s concept is to provide dog owners with a convenient and fun way to discover new toys and treats for their pets. Each month, subscribers receive a themed box full of quality toys, all-natural treats, and other pet products. The themes often change depending on the season, holidays or trending themes.

Over the years, BarkBox has grown in popularity among dog owners, with millions of subscribers receiving their monthly boxes. The brand’s success has also led to an expansion of their product offering, including specialty boxes for heavy chewers, puppies and more.

In addition to BarkBox, Bark & Co. has also launched other pet-related products and services, including BarkShop (an online pet products store), BarkPost (a content platform for dog lovers), and BarkBuddy (a pet adoption app). .

Bark Box

Brand Name: BarkBox

Founders: BarkBox was founded in 2012 by Matt Meeker, Henrik Werdelin and Carly Strife.

Service Offering: BarkBox offers a subscription service that provides dog owners with a monthly box full of toys, treats, and other pet products for their furry companions.

Monthly Themes: Each BarkBox has a different theme that may change based on the season, holidays, or trending themes. This adds an element of surprise and excitement for both the dogs and their owners.

Quality Products: BarkBox assembles quality toys and all-natural treats for the dogs, making sure they receive safe and enjoyable products every month.

Various Box Options: BarkBox offers a variety of box options to accommodate different dog sizes and preferences. They also have special boxes for heavy chewers and puppies.

Convenient Delivery: Subscribers get their BarkBox delivered right to their doorstep each month, making it a convenient and enjoyable experience for dog owners.

Popularity: BarkBox enjoys tremendous popularity and a large customer base, with millions of subscribers eagerly awaiting their monthly boxes.

Expansion: In addition to BarkBox, the company Bark & Co. has expanded its range with other pet-related products and services, such as BarkShop (an online shop), BarkPost (a content platform for dog lovers) and BarkBuddy (an app for pet adoption).

BarkBox has been a hit with dog owners who want a convenient way to treat their pets to quality toys and treats. The brand’s emphasis on themes and surprises in each box increases the excitement for both the dogs and their owners. With a strong online presence and a loyal customer base, BarkBox has become a preferred subscription service for dog lovers looking to treat their furry companions to new and exciting products every month.

Bark Box

BarkBox is a popular subscription boxing service for dogs and their owners that offers a fun and convenient way to treat pets to quality toys, treats and other pet products. Key highlights include:

Unique Monthly Themes Each BarkBox has a different theme, adding excitement and surprise to the experience for both dogs and their owners.

Quality Products: Curating quality toys and all-natural treats, BarkBox ensures dogs receive safe and enjoyable products every month.

Multiple Options: BarkBox offers a range of crate options to suit different dog sizes and preferences, including specialty crates for strong chewer dogs and puppies.

Convenient Delivery: Subscribers get their BarkBox delivered right to their doorstep each month, making it a hassle-free and enjoyable experience for pet owners.

Delighted Customer Base: BarkBox enjoys tremendous popularity and has a large and loyal customer base, with millions of subscribers eagerly awaiting their monthly boxes.

Expansion of services: The brand’s parent company, Bark & Co., has expanded its offerings to include other pet-related products and services, such as BarkShop (an online store), BarkPost (a content platform for dog lovers), and BarkBuddy (a Pet adoption app).

Stuffed Animals

BarkBox includes a variety of stuffed animals of different shapes, sizes and textures to keep dogs entertained and engaged during play.

Chew Toys

For dogs who love to chew, BarkBox offers durable and safe chew toys that can help satisfy their natural urge to chew.


BarkBox offers all-natural, high-quality treats made from healthy ingredients to reward dogs during training or as an occasional snack.


Convenience: BarkBox offers dog owners a convenient way to receive a monthly box of a curated selection of quality toys, treats, and other products for their pets.

Surprise and Delight: The monthly themes and variety of products in BarkBox bring surprise and delight to both dogs and their owners, making it an enjoyable experience for pet families.

Quality Products: Curating quality toys and all-natural treats, BarkBox ensures dogs receive safe and enjoyable products every month.

Variety: BarkBox offers a wide range of toys and treats for dogs of different sizes and preferences, including specialty boxes for heavy chewers and puppies.

Strengthening Bonds: BarkBox can strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners by providing interactive and engaging products to play with.

Discovery: BarkBox allows dogs to discover and enjoy new toys and treats they might not otherwise have encountered, providing novelty and stimulation.


Cost: BarkBox’s subscription cost might be a consideration for budget-conscious pet owners, as it can be more expensive than buying individual toys and treats.

Product Preferences: Not all dogs will like or be interested in all of the toys or treats included in the Monthly Box, resulting in some items going unused.

Shipping Timing: Occasionally there may be delays or shipping issues that affect the timely arrival of the monthly BarkBoxes.

Allergies or Sensitivities: Some dogs may have allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients in the treats included in BarkBox, necessitating careful review of product labels.

Repeated items: Over time, some subscribers may receive similar or repeated items in their boxes, reducing the element of surprise.

Limited Customization: While BarkBox offers variety, it may not be tailored to each individual dog’s specific diet or play preferences.

In summary, BarkBox offers a convenient and fun subscription boxing service for dog owners, providing a curated selection of quality toys, treats, and products for their beloved pets. The brand’s focus is on surprise and delight, with monthly themed boxes that make the experience even more exciting for dogs and their owners. BarkBox’s variety of products, tailored to different dog sizes and preferences, means each box has something to suit every furry companion.

While BarkBox offers a fun and engaging way to treat pets, the cost of the subscription and the ability to receive items that may not suit a particular dog’s preferences or dietary needs might be worth considering for some owners. Additionally, occasional delays in shipping and limited customization options can impact the overall experience.

Emma Soleil
Emma Soleil

Hey there! I'm Emma!

Home On The Grove, A Phoenix-based blog, serves as an inspiration hub for feminine, casual style, as well as covering home & decor, home & garden, home essentials, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle topics.
